Unfortunately there is a myth that crystallised honey means that honey is fake or it has gone bad. This is not true. In fact, crystallised honey is a sign that honey is raw and unprocessed.
This is good if your honey has crystallised. It means that it naturally contains high amounts of pollens, royal jelly and beeswax. These are superfoods and a sign that your honey is fresh from the hive without processing or filtration.
This is good if your honey has crystallised. It means that it naturally contains high amounts of pollen and royal jelly.
All raw honey contain 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and 5,000 enzymes. Minerals include iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and selenium. Vitamins found in honey include vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and niacin.
Raw Honey also contains powerful superfoods, such as pollen, propolis and royal jelly.
It is normal for raw honey to crystallise at low room temperature (12C – 20 degree C). In fact, it is a sign of purity.
The more concentration of Pollen, Beeswax and Royal Jelly, the more quickly it crystallises.
It is only the filtered and heated honey that doesn't crystallise, however heat and filtration destroys the medical benefits of honey.
You may find more about Honey Crystallisation through a quick google search or press below:
Dr. Hasaan from Oman holds a PHD degree in honey and beekeeping. Dr. Hasaan recorded a video message for the prestigious customers of Simply the great food about the crystallisation of honey.
Crystallisation of honey is highly misunderstood by the majority of people in the Asian countries. On contrary, raw honey can crystallise and crystallisation does not spoil the honey.
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